Wednesday, December 31, 2008

A Texas Christmas

What an exhausting couple of weeks! It all started with a trip to Baytown to meet some of the youth from the church. We were there a few days and finalized some details for our new house! (Pictures to come!) Saturday the 20th Lindsay's parents flew into Dallas and spent a few days. There was some shopping, some packing help, and Christmas presents! One of the highlights of the visit was the present from us to Lindsay's dad.....a ukulele!!!! Lindsay and her brothers (and her poor mother) grew up listening to the same two songs every time they visited family. All of the Carr uncles knew how to play these two songs so we figured that it would be hilarious/necessary to carry on this Carr family tradition.
As SOON as we gave him the box he started strumming! What in the world?!?

Even though Becky dreaded this moment, she was happy to help Frank tune the Uke!

Joe originally thought that the idea was funny and that Frank would get a quick laugh....little did he know how much Frank would LOVE the present! He must have played it for 20 minutes before anyone else got to open another present!

Enjoy this short video of Frank enjoying his present!


Lindsay's Mom said...

Sorry Joe.

Lindsay's Mom

Anonymous said...

Your dad is freakin hilarious. Loved the clip!