Saturday, November 23, 2013

Joe's Sporting Life Here in Q8 - playing, coaching, and enjoying!

Two of Joe's baseball players, Hassan and Sashin.
Yesterday was Friday fun day for Joe as he spent his day, and all his energy, doing the things he loves to do.  He left home at 6:45 AM to make the thirty minute drive to the baseball complex where he coached his senior league (HS age) boys in a game.  He left there and drove another 20 minutes into the city to join his mates in their GAA club's first annual tournament.  They were divided into six co-ed teams and battled it out until there was a champion and everyone had a blast.  Lindsay and three of her colleagues were in attendance for the Gaelic football tournament to watch Joe and Kyle, a teacher at Lindsay's school, compete throughout the day.  It was a lot of fun and a great opportunity for Lindsay to watch Gaelic football in action, since Joe has told her so much about his fun times at trainings.  It will be fun to see how the club does in the three huge spring tournaments in Abu Dhabi, Bahrain, and Dubai!  Once the tournament ended we came home so Joe could shower and we could rest for a couple of hours before Joe had a softball league game back at the baseball/softball complex.  As we arrived at the fields Joe remarked that it was almost exactly 12 hours after he entered the complex earlier in the day to coach his baseball team.  Joe played an exciting game of softball and had three big hits for his team and then we headed back home.  Joe left everything he had out on the sports fields yesterday and it was time for some rest!
Joe was a part of team Dublin.

Joe's GAA club, The Kuwait Harps!
As Joe and his best bud Kade say, hitters always hit!
Joe recorded two strikeouts while pitching last night, in slow-pitch softball!

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