Friday, September 20, 2013

Kuwait Fun Facts, Volume 1 (Courtesy of our friend Laurie!)

Below are the first collected fun facts about our little life here in Kuwait.  They were/are created as little comedic nuggets of gold in the form of facebook status updates by our friend and sister, the very witty/clever/genius Laurie Rohm!

Kuwait Fun Fact #1 (AUG 14) A group of American women walking down the road = EVERY taxi honks and pulls over, trying to give you a ride.

Kuwait Fun Fact #2 (AUG 16) *Deleted due to classified national security implications*

Kuwait Fun Fact #3 (AUG 16) The Kuwait government gives it's citizens money. They get money for housing, money for getting married, etc.

Kuwait Fun Fact #4  *This nugget was lost to the interwebs.*

Kuwait Fun Fact #5 (AUG 22) Kuwait is an extremely safe place to live...until you attempt to cross the street.

Kuwait Fun Fact #6 (AUG 22) The Kuwait Dinar is the highest valued currency in the world. However, I have no idea how to count the coins and at the register I just hold out all my change and let the cashier take what he/she needs. sigh

Kuwait Fun Fact #7 (AUG 22) There is an area of Kuwait City called Salmiya and another called Shalmia. I confused the two much to the distress of my poor taxi driver. But the good news is I made it to Bible study tonight.

Kuwait Fun Fact #8 (AUG 26) Kim Kardashian's visit to Millions of Milkshakes in Kuwait was quite an event with camera crews and paparazi everywhere. My arrival at Millions of Milkshakes last night was not quite that spectacular.

Kuwait Fun Fact #9  (AUG 27) When the receptionist at the hospital uses your passport to copy your name she may just rename you...United. United Rohm. That was my name today.

Kuwait Fun Fact #10 (AUG 27) The city I live in, Mahbulah, means crazy woman in Arabic. I literally live in crazy town.

Kuwait Fun Fact #11 (AUG 31) In the States I had to clean the lint filter in my dryer. Here it's called the fluff filter. I filter my fluff.

Kuwait Fun Fact #12 (SEP 02) There is no Labor Day in Kuwait. But rest assured I will let you know when we are enjoying the Kuwaiti sunshine while you are hard at work in the US.

Kuwait Fun Fact #13 (SEP 03) A liter of water in Kuwait is $1.05. A liter of gas is 25 cents. But before you buy your ticket to Kuwait, consider that in Venezuela gas is 2 cents a liter.

Kuwait Fun Fact #14 (SEP 03) Every year Kuwait imports 35,000 tons of what? Hint: It's not 35,000 tons of American teachers.   (Kuwait's sand is too salty to support buildings- it cracks the mortar overtime. So Kuwait imports their sand from Norway, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Iraq. I live in a desert that has to import it's own sand. oh the irony.)

Kuwait Fun Fact #15 (SEP 04) The average temperature for this week is 115 but inside our school is feels like 65 degrees. And we were told it could not be changed. I do push-ups to stay warm. I could be really buff after my contract is up.

Kuwait Fun Fact #16 (SEP 09) Now that school has started and summer vacation is over the traffic to and from school reminds me of 285 in Atlanta. ahhhh....just like home.

Kuwait Fun Fact #17 (SEP 13) A falcon is a popular pet choice in Kuwait. I had my new kitten at the vet today for shots and the falcons in the waiting room outnumbered the cats and dogs.

Kuwait fun fact #18 (SEP 17) This spice is banned because it is considered a drug. Any guesses? (Answer = Nutmeg)

Kuwait Fun Fact #19 (SEP 20) We heat our soup on a hob, not a stove top. Please pardon me while I go heat up the hob and filter my fluff- in the same room.

Kuwait Fun Fact #20 (SEP 20) Remember when I told you that falcons are a popular pet? Apparently so are cheetahs. 

Kuwait Fun Fact #21 (SEP 21) Church is on Friday morning and overlaps the call to prayer. Sometimes the preacher has to get a bit louder to be heard.

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