Monday, June 1, 2009


Joe was asked to deliver the message for the high school baccalaureate service this year. Two of the high schools in town come together for this service and he definitely kept the crowd entertained! He shared many hilarious stories and encouraging words to challenge this year's seniors to be great. As he did research about what many baccalaureate messages are about he found that they were mostly warnings about the future and keeping the faith. Through much prayer, he felt that he was instead being led to share a challenge to not settle for an ordinary life but instead to be the greatest at everything they do - the greatest doctors, the greatest teachers, the greatest mechanics - all for the glory of God.

Anyway, he did a FABULOUS job and I was SO proud. In my opinion, it was the very best that I have seen him speak. People were absolutely cracking up and there were many "sounds of agreement" from some of the older women in the was very dramatic :)

He is so natural in front of a crowd

Joe, Will, and Pastor Richard

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