Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Pray, Pray, Pray

Since our last post we have been "roaming" again and have seen some great and details to come! At this point though, we would like to beg for your prayers. We are at a complete loss for what the Lord has for us now. Joe has accepted a position selling insurance but there are 2 problems: 1. It is 100% commission and 2. He is not at all interested in sales! Lindsay is still applying for jobs like crazy but, for whatever reason, still has not gotten one. Basically, we have been searching for jobs for over a month and we are more than stressed as we have seen no solutions to our problems. We have no money to pay bills next month and no jobs to promise the money needed for these things. We have seen the Lord provide in the most unimaginable ways thus far but it is still a struggle. We have both struggled with the stress of the situation that continues to grow as each day passes. All we can do at this point is to pray, to ask all of you to pray, and to ask you to ask others to pray. We do trust in the Lord's provision but...well, the words are gone. We continue to ask the Lord what we are meant to learn during this time, where He wants us to be, and what He would have us do but we are over a month out of jobs and still have heard nothing. We genuinely want to know the Lord's will and have even sought opportunities that He may have for us overseas. Basically, we really need to lean on the Lord and the people that He has placed in our lives. As we have said, we are out of ideas and out of words....please pray, pray, pray.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Linds and Joe - Just wanted to drop you a quick note to say you're in my prayers. I know God has a plan for you both and He will provide for you. I'm here for you and praying for you.

Roam on over to Chicago whenever you can. Love and miss ya,