Monday, June 23, 2008

Life in Texas

Well, we've been here for a couple of weeks...meeting people, learning the ropes of new jobs, finding our way around (actually Joe already knew it from a few years ago). Everyone asks if we are all moved in...yes and no. Most of the boxes are unpacked and it does feel like a home (our apartment and Marshall both!) but there are still many things that are not where we'd like them to end up and there is nothing hanging on the walls. Of course, Joe could care less about hanging things up but it won't really feel like "home" to Lindsay until that is done...she'd like to get some paint on the walls too! We have already done all of the little tasks that are annoying but necessary when moving to a new place: insurance, change of address, and licenses...yes, Lindsay is officially a Texan according to her new driver's license and license plates! Joe couldn't be more proud :)
We have been at our jobs for 2 weeks now and feel very welcomed by everyone. The people that we work with are great and it really is a fun place to work. Joe feels a little left out because many people stop by, call, or email Lindsay for various reasons throughout each day...she is the "director of fun" and everyone wants to be a part of THAT! Our offices are currently under renovation as we speak. A new wall is being put in so that Joe has his own office for privacy reasons regarding student discipline, etc. He is a P.Im.P (Pretty important person..I made that would be cool if you used it also) around these parts...the "Regulator" as we like to call him. He did actually intimidate some campers and their leaders a few nights ago for keeping his lovely wife awake late at night. Lets just say that the adults did not want to speak up and admit that they were leaders because they "didn't know what he was going to do to them"!
We made a trip to Dallas this weekend and saw many fun people (one "peep" in particular) and ate at several of our favorite places. It was nice to visit home, especially The Village. We are generally enjoying our time here and are surrounded by amazing people. We are more convinced each day that this is exactly where God wants us right now. Many people have asked Lindsay how it has been to be so far away from home and while it was nice to live so close to family, it has been so easy to adjust to life here. God has been so gracious to us. We are excited about all of our new friends, the jobs that don't really feel like jobs, and whatever else may come.
The plan was to post pictures of our new home, friends, town, etc. but we haven't taken any yet so be looking for those. Because we are back on a college campus full time we are also on Facebook full time :) Feel free to get a hold of us there! Well, hopefully we can get some pictures up before we leave once again. We are going to Acapulco for 9 days starting July 4th so you can be jealous/look at our pictures when we return from there!..There is a reason this blog is called "Roaming with the Roddens"!

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